NetRDA guided from Mr.Edmond Sheshi.

Born in 1961 Tirana. Education metalurgical Engineer graduated in 1985 in University of Tirana.

Edmond after finished the studies begin his job in chemical metalurgical combine of Lac city. This was one of the bigest combine in our country employeed approximately 6000 workers. Later he worked for 12 years 1990-2002 in the Ministry of Mining and Energy. In the ministry he has carried out different duties in level of specialist and director of balance department. He has accoplished sucesfully important duties for the country. Jointly with collaborater he has guided and adminitrate programs and project destined for mining industry. Those programs were as commodity aids, soft credit lines, donated or given from different donors like EU, USA, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Greece, Kuvajt etc. Overall value of those projects were 150 million EUR.

In 2002 Edmond has retire from the state owned institution and begin to work for country development based on projects and services in the framework of coorrdination of activities of the regional development agencies.

During the years being involved in civil society development Edond have follows different training and certifed for that increasing thus its capacities and skills in support of project developments. Trajnings has been inside or outside the country, For more click to CV

NetRDA project commonly guided from Project manager which is obliged to follow the goal and objectives of the projektt..

Fredi Musa Directo for deparment of Health Security and Enviroment as well as for additional profsional education, coordinator for different projects near our centre..

Edmond Alushi Project director for Vocational Education and Training and Project coordinatior for different projects realised from our organisation.

Prof.Dok.Defrim Rusi Shkupi Project manager for "Water consumption Sensibility and effective projection" for Tirana region. The main goal is studing the water reservs and resources for a period of 30 years as well as projection for efective use of those reserves refer the increasing demands of the customers in Tirana Region.

Perlat Sadikaj Project Manager "Protecting Albanian Agro Products" in NetRDA

Kostandin Sallavaci Energetical, Electronic and Automatization Consulent for industrial.

Ylli Mero Project Managerr "Photovoltaic System supporting comunities unable to reach public infrastructure services" .

Aleksander Peci eshte Menaxher i sherbimeve i cili ndjek ceshtje te ndryshme administrimi si dhe zbatimin ne terren te veprimtarive.

Prane NetRDA per probleme administrative/finaciare dhe organizative ka dhe nje assitenete zyre.

Amanda Male eshte Asistente Zyre. Amanda po kryen me sukses studimet e larta ne Ekonomi Finance. Ajo ka marre disa trajnime per permiresimin e aftesive menaxhuese dhe trajnuese. Per me shume kliko per te pare CV

web e-mail, Rr Durresit, P Teknoprojekt, Sh 2, Ap 7/4, Phone & Fax +355 4 2404584, mobil 0692046785 P.O. Box 2415/1, Tirana, Albania